Reuben Job writes, “Christmas holds the key to unlocking the deepest mysteries of our lives: who are we, where did we come from, is there meaning to our lives, and where are we going? Granted, we focus at this time on the birth of Jesus, on the exchange of gifts and cards, and the place of joy and triumph even when the days are dark and foreboding. But the enormous truth of Christmas rests in the revelation of God’s self to humankind….When Jesus appears as the revealer of the transcendent Creator God, God becomes near, loving, and approachable. Now we know that God understands us and that we can begin to understand God.
“The great mystery of God unfolds in the birth, life, and death of Jesus. Jesus Christ came and was clothed in human flesh to let us know who God is and what God is really like. Now we know who we are–God’s beloved children; to whom we belong–our faithful redeemer/savior; and where we are going in our journey of life–to a place prepared for us. Thus the Christmas story is such good news.”