In last week’s post, I thought about how hard it is for me to give up “control” and instead seek the stillness God provides me when I slow down. Oswald Chambers, in his January 21 reading for “My Utmost for His Highest,” discusses how our enthusiasm for God ebbs and flows. He cites Jeremiah 2:2. As I read chapter two in its entirety, I was struck by verse 13: “My people have done two evil things: they have abandoned me–the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all!”
As I share these pictures today, I think of how we and the Psalmist praise God for His magnificent creation. Yet, despite acknowledging our Creator, who out of His love placed us on this earth, we still follow our distracting, destructive idols that keep us from giving our entire selves to Him. We allow our selves to become “cracked cisterns that can hold no water.” I am grateful for his unfailing love and never ending forgiveness that allow us to return to His living waters.
Eric – As you know, I was a non-believer. Ever since I allowed God to come into my heart and give prayers of thankfulness and gratefulness, have I been TRULY happy. Everythng seems to be going my way. My life is so much happier, my relationships wonderful (including that with my spouse). I am always thinking of how fortunate I am and giving thanks to God – always, even driving to various classes and chores. I am some lucky woman and thanks to God who is looking out for my welfare on a personal basis.
Sounds corney I guess but it works for me. Thank you Eric for gentley showing me the WAY.
Georgia Browne