Singing a new song

“Sing a new song to the Lord! Let the whole earth sing to the Lord!

Honor and majesty surround Him; strength and beauty fill His sanctuary. ” Psalm 96

Former US Supreme Court Justice, William O. Douglas describes this strength and beauty in his book, Of Men and Mountains:  “When man ventures into the wilderness, climbs ridges and sleeps in the forest, he comes in close communion with his Creator. When man pits himself against the mountain, he taps inner springs of his strength. He comes to know himself.  He becomes meek and humble before the Lord who made heaven and earth. For he realizes how small a part of the universe he actually is.”


Bear Grass in Snow Grass Flat, Goat Rocks Wilderness
Bear Grass in Snow Grass Flat, Goat Rocks Wilderness

Goat Rocks at Sunset

Goat Rocks at sunset

High in the Goat Rocks Wilderness High in the Goat Rocks Wilderness


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