The total eclipse in Eastern Oregon—a once in a life time event. Many people prepared for years to come here, or to other locations which were in the path of the totality. I spent fifteen months planning how Meg and I and our sons and their wives would view it. I scouted locations, organized gear and food for six people, developed contingency plans in case of clouds or fire.
As the moon began slowly to erase the sun, we waited in awe and wonder at what was in store for us. The air grew chilly, the light dimmed, a planet shone in the sky, 360 degrees of sunset surrounded us. Then came a deeply hushed silence followed by joyful shouts as the sun vanished and only its corona shone forth.
I thought about this unique life event during the week and I experienced an epiphany. Each of us, no matter where in the world we live, will know such a unique event. Not to be morbid, but to be joyful—we will die, leave our finite, worn out bodies, and be joined with the Lord through Jesus Christ. His love will shine beyond any darkness we have experience, and His gentle, loving light will invite us into His eternal Presence.