Camping high above Anthony Lake

Bob, my hiking partner of nearly twenty years and I backpacked to the high alpine country above Anthony Lake and Hoffer Lake. The basin where we camped receives little use because the approach is steep and obscure. Two tarns and meadow wildflowers amidst granite boulders add to the beauty.

A trail to basin
Anthony Lake, Hoffer Lake
B basin tent
Anthony Lake, Hoffer Lake
Img 5498
Indian paintbrush
Img 5500
Anthony Lake, Hoffer Lake
Img 5666
Anthony Lake, Hoffer Lake
Lee’s Peak Anthony Lake, Hoffer Lake
Lee’s Peak, Anthony Lake, Hoffer Lake
Lee’s Peak Anthony Lake, Hoffer Lake

After setting up camp, we hiked up formitable gulley.  Terrain and balance challenged us, but the top was rewarding: mountain goats and great views!

A boulder climb view
Hoffer Basin, Hoffer Lake
B boulter field
Hoffer Basin, Hoffer Lake
Bob heading to top
Hoffer Basin, Hoffer Lake
Bob heading up
Hoffer Basin, Hoffer Lake
Mountain goats Hoffer Basin, Hoffer Lake
mountain goats Hoffer Basin, Hoffer Lake
View from top
Anthony Lake
W descent
Anthony Lake

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