On Tuesday,my cardiologist cleared me for travel. Meg and I are leaving this afternoon (Friday) to drive back to New Hampshire to visit Michael and Sara. In addition, I will be the featured artist at the Great Falls Discovery Center in western Mass for the month of October. My New England fall pictures were discovered on my web site in January, 2010, and this US Fish and Wildlife Refuge facility asked me to show them. We are taking the northern tier through Montana, North Dakota, northern Michigan and Canada to Niagara Falls, upstate New York, visiting friends along the way.
Our MBA Chinese student, Marshal, will house sit for us, although for this driving trip we are taking our golden retriever, Dakota, with us. Jasmine, our other Chinese student, is now in Eugene. A week and half ago, three years to the date she arrived at SeaTac, we drove her and her possessions to Eugene, where she will begin her studies for a Masters in Accounting. We have deeply appreciated the opportunity to watch her growth, and to grow ourselves as we expanded our family.
Meg and I are looking forward to this total time together. We have no idea what lies ahead during the next twelve days. We do know God travels with us and ahead of us. His love surrounds us, as we enjoy His Creation, knowing that our time on earth is exciting, but only temporary. We sing His praises here, and someday we will get to sing His praises in eternity.