Meg and I spent five days in Washington DC last week. We attended a reunion of Peace Corps volunteers from Tonga 1 and 2. Forty five years ago this month, Meg and I entered training in Molokai with 127 volunteers our age to train to be teachers and nurses in Tonga, islands in the South Pacific that are mere ink dots on a map. Seventy five of us went to country, and forty nine finished the entire term. Training was intense, and we really did not get to know many people very well. And once we went to Tonga, we were scattered throughout the island villages and had very little contact with each other. So, this first reunion of our group gave us the chance to not only establish contact, but to get to know each other again, much more deeply.
We enjoyed many group activities, including a tour of the monuments at night–one of the best tours, anywhere, that I have taken. The night light softens the lines, and creates a timelessness and a mystery that makes these much more hallowed. A light rain fell off and on, allowing me to preserve some unique reflections on the pavement.