Meg and I hiked into McCully basin this July 3rd. McCully basin is part of the Eagle Cap Wilderness in Wallowa County in the NE corner of Oregon. It is off the beaten path even for most backpackers in the Eagle Caps. Very few feet have hiked, very few yes have seen, this basin. It lies underneath the snow for most of the year. But just after the snow clears, this beautiful meadow is filled with buttercups stretching far off into the distance.
“In His time, in His time. He makes all things beautiful in His time. Lord, please show me eery day, as you’re teaching me Your way, that You do just what you say, in Your time.” Diane Bell
I am always deeply humbled and awed by God’s infinity, God’s eternity. McCully Basin is just a tiny, tiny slice of the infinite meadows that are blooming now. I see only one, but God sees, God knows, each one of them. Just as He sees, just as He knows, each one of us.
Eagle Cap Wilderness |
McCully Basin, Eagle Cap Wilderness |