“ Mistakes are to be learned from and grown out of. They are opportunities for us to sheepishly, maybe, and humbly, definitely, turn back to God in search of the forgiveness or strength that will inevitably await us and help us to move on along a better path.
One of the best lines in the New Testament dealing with failure comes in the story of the Prodigal Son, or the Forgiving Father, as it is increasingly known. When the wayward son, who has really messed up, comes back to his father seeking forgiveness for his mistakes, we read the following about the father‘s reaction to the son: ‘he fell on his neck and kissed him.’ How wonderful to have a God who falls on our neck and kisses us when we mess up and ask for his forgiveness and what better way to be in His Presence in the world than to do the same for others in our lives.” Jim Deeds and Brendan McManus